She grew up, became a man, what's going on?
Parents told her:
Disappear, don't turn around
Please, never come back
Go away and pack your bags, filthy one
Filled with sorrow she threw out some of her old clothes
All her skirts she now had drowned in gasoline
Flames touching the sky
Burning up her old life, no regrets
Growing a beard, finally a man
Please accept that she is nothing but a normal guy
We can't help that she's been raised in a narrow-minded world
Scratching his crotch, just like real men do
Filled with strength, takes another step
To become a full-grown man she needed help
A crazy little Swedish surgeon took her case
Cut, pasted and sewed, changing her totally, renewed and gay
Shoulders now broad, finally a man
Please accept that she is nothing but a normal guy
We can't help that she's been raised in a narrow-minded world
Scratching his crotch, just like real men do
Filled with strength, entering the world
Something appeared
What a nice surprise that was