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The Hidden Cameras, "Smells Like Happiness"

Happy we are when we choose to wear the blindfold
And mark our own day with a parade and a song

In our minds our fathers have died and we realize
that cities have clubs and we like to get drunk
And high from the smells we inhale from dirty wells
And the mouth of a boy who smokes cigarettes

Happiness has a smell I inhale like a drug done in a darkened hall
Or a bathroom stall with a friend or a man with a hard-on
I feed my own face when I soon crave a taste
Of the neck of a boy who wears eau de toilette
And shaves every day and behaves well in department stores

As well, it is the smell of old come on the rug men walk their dirty feet on
And the sweat from the chest of a man in a leather uniform
Happy are we when we choose to wear the blindfold
And mark our own place with the smell of our own

I can't stop giggling about how much this song sounds like Kitchens Of Distinction.