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The Vaselines, "Rory Rides Me Raw"

Galloping through the morning dew
There is only one thing that I want to do to you
And it's true that I'm going to do it soon

Rory Rory ride me Rory
Rory Rory ride me Rory
Rory ride me slowly
Ride me raw raw raw

Galloping through the morning dew
There is only one thing that I want to do to you
And it's true that I'm going to do it soon

Stride on your back rocking to ride
I got the feeling we're gonna gallop alright
And It's true that I'm gonna do it soon

Rory Rory ride me Rory
Rory Rory ride me Rory
Rory ride me slowly
Ride me raw raw raw

Galloping through the morning dew
There's only one thing I that I want to do to you
And it's true, that I'm gonna to do it soon

It'll take three to satisfy me
'Cause I'm more of a man than you'll ever be
Rory, ride me slowly, ride me true, ride me true

"But Chesh, how can this AND Molly's Lips be gay?!" Why, because the Vaselines had a singer of each gender, my dear.