When I was seven or eight, I caught To Wong Foo, Thanks For EVerything! Julie Newmar on HBO at my grandmother's house, and I've been spiraling out of control since then.
I've been working on this list for awhile now, but whenever I've solicited other people for suggestions, they don't seem to understand what I mean. Drag is more than crossdressing, and certainly more than turning the androgyny up a notch--it's a performance, sort of an exaggerated tribute to the opposite sex. It's an act, not a fashion choice; without the right attitude, you're just a boy in a dress. (Or a girl in a suit, as the case may be.)
With that in mind, it took months to find ten suitably drag-tastic music videos for your viewing pleasure. They're organized from least to most fabulous, so I really hope you make it to the end of the list. Let's get started: